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2 min read


Moisturizing regularly is essential to the maintenance of healthy, balanced skin. But unlike cleansers, moisturizers often serve multiple functions. So let’s unpack some of the basics to understand how a good moisturizer can level up your skincare routine.

Let’s Start With Hydration

A common misconception is that moisturizer is only needed for dry or dehydrated skin, when in reality, skin of all types and conditions needs moisturizer. Rather than serving as a band-aid, moisturizing is a proactive measure in the maintenance of healthy, balanced skin.

So why does everyone need moisturizer? The answer is a phenomenon known as Transdermal Water Loss (TDWL).

In layman’s terms, TDWL is the constant evaporation of water from your skin into the surrounding air. This is natural, and part of the everyday function of your skin. But to avoid our bodies completely drying out, the skin maintains a layer of oils that regulate this process.

Why We Need Moisturizer

So if the skin is able to regulate water loss, why do we need moisturizer? One of the biggest reasons has to do with the first step of your routine – cleansing. 

The process of cleansing removes grime and contaminants, but inevitably takes some of those essential skin oils with it. It’s unavoidable.

Enter moisturizer. Within your skincare routine, its primary role is to replenish the oils in the skin barrier, and restore that all-important moisture regulation. Without it, your fresh, cleansed skin will be overexposed to the surrounding air, resulting in excessive moisture loss and ultimately, dryness.

Counterintuitively, not moisturizing after cleansing can also lead to greasy skin, because the body will overcompensate by ramping up oil production. Believe it or not, it’s possible to have dry and oily skin at the same time.

That’s why moisturizer must always go hand-in-hand with cleansing.

How to Moisturize

Moisturizing is overall a pretty straightforward process, but there are some subtleties to make sure you’re getting the most out of it.

Do It Immediately After Cleansing

As we mentioned earlier, your skin is most exposed and vulnerable to water loss after cleansing. Moisturizing immediately afterwards locks in moisture, and also signals to the body that all is a-ok, to prevent overproduction of oil.

Additionally, after cleansing the skin is best able to absorb the supplemental ingredients in your moisturizer, whether they be for anti-irritation, anti-aging or other purposes.

We recommend applying moisturizer immediately after you pat your face dry post-cleanse.

Dab and Spread

When applying moisturizer, work in sections and apply a dab of moisturizer, then spread it for even coverage in each area. Often missed spots include along the jawline and chin, the nose, and around your eyebrows.

Less is More

There’s no need to slather on a thick layer of moisturizer. A nice thin layer will do. Excess moisturizer will likely go to waste, as the skin can only absorb so much, leaving a cake-like layer of product on your skin.

Finishing Up

In conclusion, moisturizing must go hand-in-hand with cleansing to maintain proper balance in your skin. Use it consistently and immediately after cleansing, and you'll reap the benefits of happy, hydrated skin.


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